Sunday, August 23, 2009

Getting Help from a Lemon Law Attorney

If you purchased a vehicle that spends more time being repaired than it does being driven, then it might qualify for the lemon law. People are sometimes sold vehicles that have a long history of mechanical issues. If the mechanical issues keep repeating, then you may have a “lemon” and the lemon laws can assist you. This happens when your car still doesn't work even after you have spent a good amount of money to repair the same problem over and over. How can you be assisted by the lemon law?

If you feel your car is a lemon, a lawyer can help with getting the car returned and your money back. The lemon laws were created to protect consumers. If mechanical problems are preventing you from using your car because it's always in the shop, the California lemon laws can protect you.

If your newly purchased car is in good mechanical shape when you leave the lot but starts having recurring problems shortly after, the lemon laws can help protect your rights. It might not happen immediately, but it could happen after you have been driving it for a while. If you are having problems with the person or dealer you purchased it from, you may need a lemon law attorney to intercede.

If you have a problem car, the lemon laws and a lemon law attorney can help you. A lemon law attorney can advise you, protect your rights, and get you satisfactory results if the dealer you purchased from won't.

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